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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
10/5/2015 2:38:09 PM


Hey guys, greetings to Bungie, I found a big glitch in the SABRE strike playing the heroic playlist. It seems to be a gameplay mechanic but it still needs a fix because people could exploit this to have players come into your strike team (heroic matchmaking) and then THEY CAN NOT COMPLETE THE STRIKE. Short version of the "glitch": You can walk backwards starting in the cave of the SABRE strike after defending the warsat. Once you are on the outside THERE IS NO WAY back in (I checked for 3 hours along with checking for Sleeper Simulant on Earth patrol / heroic SABRE strike). Here's what's going on with actual gameplay of the glitch which seems to be intended (lamps go on when you walk past them): Have in mind that my primary boosted my agility +2 and I have max agility on my Titan and could barely manage to get out! Here is a complete playlist of me ruining twenty or more players experience (HUGE SORRY BUT I WAS HYPED to maybe find sth. in relation to the famous Sleeper Simulant quest): This still needs to be fixed, Bungie. If I can do this, anyone can and it shouldn't be in the heroic strike playlist. Nightfall is a different thing because you are either alone or with your own fireteam! Thanks for reading this and let's hope for the best. Btw. Bungie: THE TAKEN KING is amazing. I spent hours exploring dailies and strikes like this hoping to find something as world first. You guys rock, your game rocks and I am loving it! :) P.S.: More information on the Sleeper Simulant quest (possible spoilers) inside this gread post on reddit:

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