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작성자: Fastball XII 9/14/2015 12:57:14 AM

What About the Good Guys?

Flood, answer me this. Why nowadays is it the bad guys getting the girls? The girls are with the abusive guys, the guys who are complete idiots. Mainly, football players. They get all the girls. What happened to the good guys? I'm just the friendly smart guy in the class. I can help with homework, I play baseball, and I treat girls with respect. Why isn't it guys like me who can get girls anymore? Why does it have to be the the meathead idiots who treat girls like all they're good for is making sandwiches? I know what you'll probably say Flood. "Man up!" "Don't be a pvssy!" Seriously Foodians. I want to know what you think about this. Edit: Thanks for the advice guys! I have a date next Saturday!

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