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10/27/2015 8:35:55 AM

PSN and Destiny's latest update Conflict Causing me to Stop Playing Destiny

At first, once the Kings Fall Hard Mode raid was launched on Friday my system slowly began to have more and more issues. At first I started getting Baboon and Weasel errors on Saturday only on Oryx fights. Things now have progressed to where I can't even complete a strike without getting booted. I'm forced to be on WiFi as where I live. The WiFi is high speed and has no issue. Nothing else is getting interference and the signal strength is 100%. Something in the latest update has progressively interfered with my PS4 to the point while running Destiny, PSN will now drop Starting on Sunday. This only occurs when I play destiny. I can no longer connect or stay connected long enough to complete anything on the game. It is to the point I spent more time trouble shooting this weekend then actually playing the content. The Destiny application is interfering with PSN on my system and I can no longer play. I gave it two days and it is now progressively worse. I've also done analysis on the WiFi interference and found nothing creating an issue. The issues again started out as just destiny servers, was tracert and verified only the end destination was dropping timing out. After several days of this, the bug migrated and is effecting the PSN connection and causing it to drop. Now it's to the point that I can't even play for a few minutes. This error has came up in the past for other users, I've looked into their "fixes" and none work. It seems to be a 100% destiny application issue. I've gone tired of this with no acknowledgment from Bungie about the issue or that they are working on a fix. I will now leave the game with a bitter taste of having my money stole for a buggy and glitch filled game. I really doubt I will be playing a Bungie product ever again. Good Bye

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