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작성자: kodomo_98 11/24/2015 8:52:06 AM

destiny, a disappointment?





your a crybaby / Im a fanboy


Please no biased votes. Do your research on game development and how much money they had to make this game and still have. With all of the available resources, and amazing potential; do to a very talented team and writers, has destiny (the game it's self, not including any forums or wikis) lived up to its potential? MY BIAS I for one, would love a full refund. This is not a game or art, this is a product. You may call me a crybaby, but I want to get my money's worth. All it seems I've gotten, is an amateur-ish pvp, and an absolutely garbage pve, full of horde mode, pointless steps, and the worst story I've ever seen in a game, AND ITS NOT EVEN IN THE GAME. BUNGIE, IF YOU DON'T MAKE THIS GAME WORTH ITS MONEY I WILL NOT BUY DESTINY 2 OR ANY OTHER BUNGIE PRODUCT. I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE.

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  • They don't release enough content and there multiplayer pretty much sucks and every other game that has story and multiplayer has really fun multiplayer to keep you occupied while you are waiting for something new to come out , pretty much 2 weeks after a new dlc comes out in destiny it gets repetitive and boring . Oh by the way the next raid is going to be oryxs daddy coming to have revenge

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  • Bump

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  • Been playing sense day one. It was amazing when it came out, changing the future of games to come. But is has slowly become repetitive. Unfortunate, the DLC's were good but only for a few days. Some of the weapons I don't want to have to go back to the tower ten times to complete the quest. They really haven't added much, it looked like It ever time something new came out but it was the same stuff. Swords were cool and all just not realistic for the methods of playing. Idk how they could have made it better but it's missing something, something big.

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  • I've stuck it out since day one. TTK was the last straw. At first it seemed a vast improvement- and it was as far as story-telling skills go. Everything else is just falling apart. What a shame.

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  • #true

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  • 2900 grimoire you haven't even played the game enough to bitch about it...

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    1 답변
    • If you want a refund you will have to contact the retailer you purchased the game from, nothing bungie can do there

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      1 답변
      • Makes an opinion based poll; "no biased votes"

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        1 답변
        • It's a fun game to play occasionally but it's just a big disappointment. Whatever the original story was must have been better than the shit they we have now. I'm not gunna anything else Destiny related without researching whether it's worth it.

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        • The original story wasn't liked by the leaders of destiny and they scrapped it

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        • gg crucible k/d

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        • We really arnt playing destiny at this point. We have loads of information on how Activision got their fingers in the mix and destroyed the original game and gave us this super watered down veriation. The expansions are trying to make up for it. I kind of expected this near storyless adventure to make my own character over the release of destiny game and world expansions. Originally I knew bungie would deliver on a good story with believable dialogue and balanced halo style pvp. Then when I saw Activision's name pop up as a part of the team I knew the game I wanted to play was gone. Still yet, there is a shimmer of hope. If Activision is worked out of the game, I'm sure the game will hobble to full health by destiny 3 and make a good game out of a wreck you can't describe by the final disc.

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          4 답변
          • your not but all of those who are like you are long gone those who are left are those who like being pimped by activision and those who just DGAF

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            9 답변
            • I got a full refund for my digital guardian edition after the TTK content lockout.

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            • You're*

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              1 답변
              • 작성자: sNsKviperXx671 11/24/2015 9:05:49 AM

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