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클랜 모집

클랜 또는 새로운 클랜원을 찾으세요.
작성자: Maz1X 12/1/2015 6:22:17 AM

Darkrock Looking for 18 an older members x360

Hello, Guardian. If your reading this you must have an idea about joining or you are currently looking to join a clan. this is a simple step, if you are 18 or older, and mature, you enjoy a good game such as this, you are polite and friendly, this is the place for you, we are a young and growing clan. We are here to make this game a better experience with a clan you can call your own, we thrive on politeness, and helping others achieve the best experience possible. NO ELITIST! You are what you make yourself to be in this community. If your light level matters the most to you, this is not the place for you. We want solid friendships and good clean play, if you desire to taunt others because they fail at a certain objective, Termination is a possibility. so if this clan seems right, introduce yourself and tell us about yourself and shoot us a message. Thanks for considering Darkrock. Happy hunting Guardian, see you on the battlefield. Sincerely Maz1X (Founder) p.s. To speed up the sign up process please go to and ask to join, that way I can get to your request on my mobile. Thank you again for your interest in Darkrock!! Oh and please bump this post up, thanks.

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