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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
작성자: SpakulatorX 12/22/2015 3:21:59 PM

Bungie ninja nerfs! Who told them?

So this weekend I came onto destiny to restock my 3 of coins from zûr. I went into my vault to find bungie ninja nerfed my items. I collected all the festival masks, but didn't want to spend money to make them legendary. So, I threw them in the vault and was ready for them to be destroyed at the end of the festivities. Was I surprised to see them all in the vault still after the festival! Bungie had blamed up, and I was content with keeping my masks. Then you spilled the beans. This community is horrible. Nerf this, nerf that. Your all just jealous of my rare masks! Well now you've done it. "Requires festival of the lost" wtf! That wasn't there before bungie! I didn't see this in any patch notes either. Blaming right under my nose, and I've been playing fallout, so this could have happened weeks ago [b]I don't even know![/b] [b]BLAME ALL YOU RATS AND BLAME BUNGIE[/b] I'm out. Edit: can't break them down either :(

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