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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
원본 게시물 출처:Good Ghaully Miss Molly
작성자: HaPpYDude007 7/17/2015 9:35:56 AM

Who wants to take over Clan leadership?

Most of you know how unhappy I've been with the game for quite sometime. The patch that's coming next week to nerf and buff our beloved weapons is final straw for me. I've put in an incredible number of hours and I'm pissed and sad that I have to bid adieu. I'm thankful to have met all of you here. I hope to play with you all on other games. For those of you that are continuing on, I'd like to change leadership to someone else. I will more than likely be removing the app and selling this garbage.

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