원본 게시물 출처:The Speakers People
I would like to play trails of Osiris but I am a lone player and I don't want to be one so, I would like to head into glorious battle with some guardians. I would like for the guardians to be 285-300+ light. If you are interested, reply.
Need 2 for trials •don't be really serious •just have fun •don't have to be good •going for some bounties •be 290+ light Message MyNamesMaxPower on Xbox one for invite
1 답변
Xbox 360!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need 2 people for TRIALS. I am a 310 Warlock You have to be 310+ Trying to go flawless MUST BE CHILL,CALM,And GOOD MESSAGE ME @RedRaider3042 FOR AN INVITE I have gone flawless! Carry your own weight!!! Must have good communication and dont rage