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작성자: Spoopy XP 2/23/2016 4:56:36 PM

Well, I got laughed at in Maths class today

So in school we are just after starting the longly dreaded chapter that is Algebra. It started off easily with us adding X and Y and finding the Nth term in Linear patterns. But after this the teacher told us that he is going to write some Algeberic Formulas on the board and we have to take them down in our note copies. Here's where it started. One of my classmates puts up his hand and asks "Why do we need to learn Algebra? It's useless!" The entire class agrees except me and the teacher ( I am anything but a teachers pet btw ) I answer his question with " Well if your interested in astrophysics or astronomy E=MC2 ( could not get the squared sry ) plays a big roll in finding how big are Galaxys, NGCs ( star clusters ) and the distance between stars because of the speed of light it also works with finding distances between certain extra-terrestrial celestial objects like stars and exoplanets." But before I knew it I got way to deep in the explaination talking about Parsecs and apparent and absolute magnitude and in general confusing the crap out of them which probably was making Algebra a hell of alot scarier for them! It ended when one of the girls shouted "SHUT UP!!!" in my ear nearly deafining me ( I feel it still echoing in my ear ) and every one else starts bawling out laughing and pointing at me. And the teacher started shouting at the girl because 1. She screamed in my ear.2. She was laughing uncontrollably. Welcome to my average maths class everyone ( no pun intended ) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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