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작성자: iPiranha85 3/11/2016 10:02:38 AM

Vault of Glass Hard Raid Finder - Xbox One

Welcome to the Vault of Glass team finder Hard on Xbox One. Please like the topic So It Will Be Easier To Find In The Future. If You Need Help With Raids Message Me Or Add Me On Xbox my gamertag is Philmsjs1985. Destiny of Helpers Clan is also recruiting Guardians of all expierence and levels: Post below to find a group: Example: GT - Philmsjs1985 LFG Need 3 320 Titan with Spindle and Touch Fresh Run Other forum finders & topics: Kings Fall Raid Finder - Xbox One - Kings Fall Normal Raid Finder - Xbox One: Vault of Glass Hard Raid: Crotas End Hard Raid Finder: Trials Of Osiris Team Finder - Xbox One:

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