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3/27/2016 8:03:07 AM

A Solution to All the OP Weapons in Trials/Iron Banner

If you are like me you want to "make Destiny great again" and are either tired of the Last Word, thousand Yard meta everyone is using or are one of the people playing the meta and tired of hearing of seeing "OP plz nerfsz" topics popping up everywhere. Yes, I know between class warfare and weapon balancing it seems like everyone is at each other's throats with talk of nerfs (except you Defender titans - most of you silly Defenders think a bubble is a super...and a small portion of you reliably wreck me and my fire team but I digress). What the forums need is someone to bear the sins of being OP and endure the scorn and hate of all the players. A weapon or class that induces such rage it makes all the children/teens rage in tantrums and causes the mouth-breathers to be gasping for air every time it kills them. Ladies and Gentlemen, we need a year two Thorn. The damage over time was brutal in year one and frankly was too good. Yeas weapons need buffs and others need nerfs, but Thorn stands unique as a weapon in that not only draws hate from much of the community, it feeds on it. Every Thorn user I know loves that weapon for its trollish behavior and it's lovely green burn it gives it's victims. You can send them hate mail, you can t-bag them, and yet it just encourages them to continue. To conclude, Destiny needs a villain to gather and receive all the hate and salty rage of sweaty Destiny gamers everywhere while they writhe in their seats as the green burn does it's work. It may be a Thorn in your side, but it is in everyone's side. Let it come to year two and unite the people! TL;DR - Too bad so sad, learn to read. I will do my best to respond to every snarky comment I can, provided it is clever. For the wit-disinclined please accept the following responses to your "git gud scrub", "K/D ratio sux", "grimoire not gud" messages: -lolololol -My thorn feeds on your salty tears -Oh the agony, you "rekt'd" me good there. How will I ever be the same again"? While this is partial bait, so feel free to rate, I do believe Thorn will unite everyone in rage. ^_^

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