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작성자: itsDKY 3/28/2016 7:21:41 PM

Hit detection needs to be seriously looked at. (video inside)

Now I want to say this now, this is not some kind of one off. This happens repeatedly to me, It's not just a melee thing, it happens not just with the Chaperone, but with any weapon. I have other clips when I used scout rifles and one of the 4/5 shots did not land. However the clips are buried beneath a lot of other clips. his really annoyed me since it allowed the player to get the spark in the rift. [b]It's extremely annoying when this happens in trials. [/b] I really hope you're doing something about the hit detection in the coming patch. It's partly the reason why I believe fusion rifles are so inconsistent. Like if all of the bolts hit, but simply one of them didn't registered.

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  • I think both handcannons and shotguns shells jist have a bullet time. Its not a instant hit. You have to lead some and you notice the only shot you hit was when he was in a straight line away from you and you're on the ground.

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