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작성자: Mjølnir 4/8/2016 7:05:04 PM

Autism: possible maturity "advantages"?

Recently, in both real life and heck, even here in offtopic, i have seen something interesting and different. Ive seen alot of people who openly admitted to have autism, but here is the catch: all of them, as i have seen/noticed, were way more mature than average for their age. Some of the things autism does to you, it makes you think different, see the world different, hear it different etc. But does this include maturity? Or even iq? I have aspergers (is that how you write it?) and i know for a fact that im way more mature than what other teens around me are. Including my iq aswell, but i dont know why aspergers would affect your iq... As stated above, people that ive met/talked to that have either aspergers or autism, were much more mature than normal. I would also love getting replies about this topic from people who know what autism and/or aspergers is by definition. Edit: changed title due to a bit confusion of what i mean.
#Offtopic #Autism

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  • It's online, they have time to think and correct their actions. Autism has no effect on intelligence or maturely, it merely hinders you from properly interacting socially. If this were a spoken dialogue it wouldn't have the same outcome.

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