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5/23/2016 12:49:03 PM

[PS4] xAllegiancex is a great place for you to make friends and kill aliens! :D

Greetings Guardians! xAllegiancex is currently recruiting players on PS4 for all of our divisions worldwide! We currently have over 1000 members from all over the world but we are still extremely organized in our day to day functions! We average well over 150 events a month. There are events for everybody in all timezones and all game modes: Normal and Hard King's Fall raids, training raids to teach the more intricate mechanics of King's Fall, Crucible events, Iron Banner, VoG/CE runs, speedrun raids, etc. We have also been all over the new PoE and CoE content and the new strikes and nightfalls! We are looking for members who can be team players, mature and friendly. Everybody is welcome, from those less experienced that need help to those more experienced that like to help others... all in a fun, positive atmosphere. The clan events calendar has recently been opened up to other games as well, including (but not limited to) The Division, Paragon, Borderlands, Minecraft, Elder Scrolls Online, Grand Theft Auto V, Call of Duty, and even Rocket League! We will also be looking to get into Overwatch, No Man's Sky and more in the future! :D For a peek into what we're all about, check us out on: Twitch @ or YouTube @ We've also been featured by Bungie and Cozmo in their "Unite the Clans" article series! To join up just visit and just follow the instructions on the main page. We have a clan website that serves as the center of operations, with events calendar, member forum, chat, news, and more. If you have any questions, please let me know! :) <3 -shadowxxclone, xAx US New York Division Administrator

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