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5/29/2016 5:08:06 PM

Starfire Protocol and the beginning of the universe

Hello and welcome Guardians, this is your friendly neighborhood AnonPig and I’m here to talk about an older theory of mine that I’ve never publicly shared that actually grew a bit with The Taken King. It’s nothing too large like my past few, but i thought it was a good one that you may enjoy. The timeline in the universe of Destiny is one that’s very fascinating, it goes back so far that we really can’t place a true date on it. Some have tried using the numbers given by Oryx, Auryx at the time, and his sisters, but that might not be the same time reference as we use so let’s just say it goes back really far. One of the greatest things about Destiny is how it lives in our physical real world and expands upon it, so using real world science people have dated the universe to be about 13.8 billion years old! In the Destiny universe we also have knowledge of two seemingly timeless entities, almost as if they were a cosmic force that lived. I believe that, like in Greek mythology, out of the Chaos of nothingness came these two forces. The Sky and the Deep. As Guardians, as servants of the Traveler and Light we are servants of the Sky, the Hive and their more gruesome past has made them servants of the Deep. They lived on a gas giant called Fundament resting between the two, Sky and Deep, until they were forced to seek for more power and dive down within the planet. An agent of the Sky, a Leviathan tried to stop them in the following card. [b]VIII: Leviathan[/b] [quote]The Leviathan’s Warning ++We live on the edge of a war— —a war between Formless and Form++ ++between the Deep and the Sky— ++MY EYES ARE WIDE, MY GAZE IS LONG++ —Across the universe, as far as I see++ ++the Sky works to charge its fires— —and the Deep drowns the ash++ —Sky builds gentle places, safe for life++ ++Beloved Fundament, refuge of trillions— —The Sky treasures this rich place++ —BUT THE DEEP IS HERE WITH US— ++Cold logic tests our walls— —The Deep claims its dominion++ ++A ruthless, final age — Aurash’s Protest Old Leviathan, creature of myth, this world is no refuge. We live short, hard lives. We die in the dark. The storm above us will never end. And soon the God-Wave will take us all. Above us there are only stormjoys, monsters, and moons of apocalypse. Let us go down, down, where we may discover truth, some power to avenge ourselves upon our betrayers, some hope of survival. The Leviathan’s Hope —What power calls you++ ++Down to the deep?— ++What instinct draws you— —Away from high hope?++ —Quick-breeding krill people, I tell you++ ++For eons I have watched your struggle— —Clinging to the sharp edge of survival++ ++Balanced between the Deep and the Sky.— ++You were my treasure— —My proof against despair++ —FOR THIS IS THE DEEP CLAIM— ++Existence is the struggle to exist— —When the struggle seems lost++ ++when the safe place crumbles— —everything turns to the Deep to survive++ ++I REJECT THE DEEP CLAIM++ —You will turn back, sweet krill of hope.±± ++You will choose the Sky instead.— Xi Ro’s Protest You are huge and old! Our lives are short and desperate. If that’s the way the world’s supposed to be, I won’t have it! If people like Taox are supposed to win, I won’t let them! I’ll beat the world until it changes! I’ll kill anything in the way! The Leviathan’s Dirge ++This fatal logic++ —Hear my monopole scream!— ++It will consume you++ —Before you lies— ++The worship of death++ —The ruinous path— ++The Sky builds new life++ —Against the onset of ruin— ++Towards a gentle world++ —The Deep embraces death— ++Saying: this is inevitable and right++ —I exist as hungry ruin— ++TURN BACK FROM THE WORLD-KILLING WAY++ ++OR YOU WILL LIVE AS DEATH AND DEVASTATION++ —The Sky is the harder way. But it is kinder.— —My charge is balanced: my voice exhausted.— Sathona’s Protest Sisters, I have my father’s familiar. Look! It answers me in plain words. It helped me find this ship. It gives me strength when hope is lost. Who will you trust? The voice that wants us to live and suffer, as we have lived and suffered? The Leviathan that offers no hope against Taox or the world-wave? Or the plain, honest worm? Let us see where its whisper leads us, Aurash. Let us go deeper, Xi Ro! Let us dive, oh sisters mine.[/quote] In this card we see the ideologies of the Sky and of the Deep, and we understand that they’ve forever been at war with each other. I show you this so you can see what i believe is the start of the universe all together, Sky and Deep, each fighting to create the universe in the image they desire. One wishes to build and have several prosper, and the other wants one victor. Again looking back into the real world science we see that it’s our sun, the star in our system, that grants us life. The heat it brings allows us to have liquid water and all that other good stuff. The first star, or rather the oldest star has been dated back to 13.2 billion years ago, 600 million years after the start of the universe. But looking at the Warlock chest piece that was just sold by Xur this weekend we see the Destiny universe says something different. [b]Starfire Protocol[/b] [quote]13.4 billion years ago, the first stars kindled out of darkness, seeding the future of all life.[/quote] This chest piece says that the first star came 200 million years before the actual first star, and goes on to say how it seeded the future of all life. This is what led me to the theory that the first star was, metaphorically, the Traveler. No it’s not physically a star, but it does go around seeding the life of every planet and system it goes to. This has become it’s job as an agent of the Sky, and I believe Starfire Protocol is informing us just how old the Traveler is, and about how long it’s been running. Thankyou for reading, this is your friendly neighborhood AnonPig! [url=]AnonPig’s Theories Archived[/url]

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  • Um, you made a mistake. So from our point in time, the first star formed 13.2 billion years ago. From the point in time IN DESTINY the first star formed 13.4 billion years ago according to the Starfire Protocol It does not mean it's referring to the Traveler when it says "star" since it has a different time from our present. It means that Bunjee ACTUALLY gave us a rough estimate of the time period Destiny takes place. They're saying that Destiny is approximately 200 million years in the future from now, not that the Traveler formed 200 million years before the first star I'm glad you noticed what Starfire Protocol and made that mistake because that's the first hint I've seen of Destiny's time period

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    2 답변
    • It always amazes me that we humans can loose ourselves in stories that are made up by ourselves. Why did we evolve like this? Maybe it's part of our vex mind? We can simulate situations in our brain that may or may not exist. It must be either a byproduct of our planning capabilities or an otherwise evolutionary usefull trait?

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    • Speaking of [armory]Starfire Protocol[/armory], is anyone having a glitch with the Year 1 version [b]NOT[/b] granting second Fusion Grenade?

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      1 답변
      • Oh and I forgot to mention the your frabjous

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      • Wow! This is a really cool theory. Not only would it support the concept of the traveler being a force of good, it would also make it seem like saving the traveler is even more important than simply restarting the golden age. I know this post wasn't very long and doesn't really add anything but I just wanted to congratulate you on this interesting theory.

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      • 작성자: Sølaris 6/6/2016 10:54:41 PM

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        10 답변
        • Shut up nerd.

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          6 답변
          • Interesting read.... Gonna merge this with real life solar system and universal theories

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          • AnonPigs's storage unit

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            2 답변
            • *claps hands Great job, man

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            • Maybe the chest piece was made 200 million years in the future meaning that the events of destiny take place 200 millionish years from now.

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            • 작성자: Qwurxty 5/31/2016 3:34:53 AM
              Why do you think it's names star fire [i]protocol[/i]? Wondering after reading through this why it uses that term for something so old.

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            • Actually, the chest piece says that the first star[u]s[/u] kindled out of the darkness, so is it possible that there are multiple Travelers? Or multiple agents of the Light/Sky, like the Leviathan who is also an agent of the Light? Also, the chest piece says that they kindled out of the darkness, so what is the "darkness" in the description? Is it the Big Bang? Is it referring to being created from nothing? Maybe at the start of the universe, the Sky was engulfed by the Darkness and was losing the "war?" It could be that this was just a mistake by the writers because they didn't know when the first stars were formed.

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              1 답변
              • Thanks Anon! I've always enjoyed your posts. Keep up the great work!

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              • Hey does anyone remember what you have to do for the "Lay of the Land" quest when it comes to "Kill Any Enemies"? Pls help

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                4 답변
                • Love your posts AnonPig Destiny has some obvious references to Greek (and other) mythology but also 'the deep' is a less obvious reference to Christian / Jewish and Babylonian accounts of creation Genesis chapter 1 verse 2: ...and darkness filled the face of the deep...

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                • I'm pretty sure it's been theorized that the first stars formed earlier than we can possibily date because that far back the young universe was choked with gas that we can never see through Or it's a simple mistake by the writers lol

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                  1 답변
                  • The traveler is a machine, meaning someone built it. So it couldn't be the first "star"

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                    2 답변
                    • This guy gave himself a day for everyone of his sheeple to celebrate him. Where do I hide from your massive superiority complex? Behind your equally big ego?

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                      6 답변
                      • Wow. You could have cut this post down to a paragraph. And it still would have been idiotic. Tell me, where do you find space to keep your monumental ego?

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                        33 답변
                        • Didn't see this in the archives, so I would like to request some Intel on it. My theory is that kabir is xur. Long story short, kabir lost his light in the vault, and wandered Venus shrouded in darkness. He was found by the nine and given a new purpose. I don't know much lore and don't read cards, so can you give us (me) some Intel?

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                          6 답변
                          • [quote]—You will turn back, sweet krill of hope.±± ++You will choose the Sky instead.—[/quote] I just wanted to point out that the Hive could have very well been filled with Light had they chosen a different path(not for gameplay reasons cuz pew pew aliens). Imagine majestic Hive Knights or mystical Wizards. We could have been friends, allies, but they chose death and destruction. And so we give it to them freely. What if we had joined the Darkness? What if we had filled ourselves with the hunger of the worm gods? What if we had been the invaders? Also I would like to point out that 13.4 billion years was the most commonly held start date for a while, so perhaps the dev that wrote the Starfire Protocol's description did not know of the newer data that supported the slightly older universe. Even now we are still likely wrong, as the Big Bang(terrible name but for simplicity's sake I'll use it) makes it really hard to observe the beginning accurately.

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                            3 답변
                            • You think that our sun was [i]The[/i] first star? Is there any proof?

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                              9 답변
                              • did you read the grimoire cards relating to the traveler and the fallen. it tells of the traveler going to the fallen home planet. that the fallen had the traveler at their home planet for a very long time which is why their tech is more advanced that they worshipped it and it turned their planet dark and made them go darker as a species which is why they are on earth. they want the traveler back to worship it and to try to fix their home planet. read the cards ppl. the traveler is not a totally good entity it does give knowledge but to further its own goals it was a conscience being. at least before Rasputin damaged it

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                                9 답변
                                • I am MonkeyPillows.

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                                • The universe is too big for only 1 traveler. There's got to be more.

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