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작성자: DXBDon 6/7/2016 6:45:18 PM

Legacy is Recruiting! Trials PS4 clan.

Hello my name is Jacob the founder / owner of Legacy. The clan has been around only for a short time period but that's what I'm here to talk about. Legacy needs fresh recruits that are a high caliber among the Destiny Community. [u][b]Requirements.[/b][/u] I myself have a 1.7 in trials and as a guide line for players who seem interested in joining Legacy I would say a 1.5 is minimum ( kd obviously ). Elo doesn't matter to me. If you do meet these requirements then you will receive a invite to the clan otherwise if you don't I would click off the page. [b][u]What to expect from us.[/u][/b] On our behalf will using the clan page on Bungie as a LFG for players in the clan for trials and any other activity's. I will announce if the clan is doing any sweats but otherwise the clan will be pretty relaxed. Message me : on here , reply to post or on psn. ( PSN : DXBDon ) See ya soon

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