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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
10/4/2015 10:11:35 PM

Eris morn in contact with Osiris?

Okay so I just read the grimoire card titled "The Road to King's Fall" and it says: “We have confirmed it among our number within the Hidden. I have asked Ikora's Warlocks to reach out, and they sense nothing. The Orb is quiet. On the Moon, his shrine is dark and cold. It is true: the Taken King is dead. The Hive's dark god, and his foul son, have been purged from the universe. She was right, scholar. Queen Mara was right. It is all down to the Guardians now. Let us hope they are up to the tasks ahead of them.” - Eris Morn, undisclosed report to Osiris First of all, "the Hidden". Never heard of em. Apparently they picked their name well. The Orb I'm assuming is The Traveller. It also says "It is true: The Taken King is dead" so Eris making a report to Osiris right now is pretty damn fishy especially since Osiris is supposed to be long lost or dead? can't remember. but as far as Vanguard is concerned I thought he was missing. I'm pretty sure one of our last clues of Osiris' wherabouts is his hidden camp ground in the Mercury social area that you can access from going flawless in Trials of Osiris but I never delved too far into it. SUCH QUESTION. Everyone put your spinfoil hats on. FEED MY SPINFOIL HAT.

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  • I found another clue, When I made a new character and went to the reef for the first time and I had to talk to everyone the disciple said "Now I see why Osiris is interested in you"

    게시물 작성 언어:


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