List below what boss(es) in video games gave you the most trouble or still do, or memories of bosses you hated.
Two of mine would be from the final fantasy series, Seymour on Mount Giggazot from FF10 and Barthandelus from FF13
Edit: Damn son we're trending now. 1 like =
1soul redeemed from their hellish memories
In a world where kids didn't have open access to cell phones, Google and only the spoiled kids had guide books, I as an innocent child, who appreciated a fresh pack of double A batteries like an asthmatic appreciates their inhaler ,was brutalized by whitney's Miltank. Repeatedly.
[i]The vanilla raid bosses when WoW was new.[/i] [spoiler][i]That shit was crazy intense.[/i][/spoiler]
Father Rodin - Bayonetta Alpha-152 on highest difficulty - Dead or Alive 4 And several bosses in Soul Calibur 4 and 5 (Algol, Harada TEKKEN, Legendary Souls Mode, etc.) Many high level opponents on higher difficulties in Fighting or Beat 'em Ups are just inhuman. And I'm actually quite good in these games.
작성자: Oath 01 7/28/2016 7:00:19 AMYeah, Seymour was a pain. The ruin sentinels in dark souls 2 actually gave me a problem my first play through (the boss in lost bastile) So did Ornstein and Smough in dark souls one. Yiazmat from final fantasy 12 also comes to mind, but he was just tedious thanks to the 50 million hp and damage cap (never finished the fight, saddly, cant remember why) I'll probably think of more later
My first Character on Dark Souls 2. I didn't know shit about how to get back my humanity and kept falling off ledges and getting killed (i had no strategy) so i had literally half health. Then i tried to face the last giant... After a few deaths i finally beat em and then found out that you don't burn the human effigy's in a fire, you consume/break them... NOW YOU TELL ME!!
1 답변
For those saying that The Nameless King is the most difficult boss, here is how you oneshot him: