The hardest boss definitely has to be the camera angle during the Nameless King.
Twin Princes and Aldrich for me. Can't really say why, either. Took me all of 3 tries to kill the Nameless King, but Aldrich shit on me for like an hour.
8 답변
Depends what class I'm playing. Made my first sorc the other day and some bosses had me running for summon signs like a fresh kid in crucifixion woods
Depends really. Vape lord is trouble depending due to everyone having different experiences but mine spammed the breath and crawl moves. (Was insta kill every time) Aldrich was a pain to because he spammed soul spears like a noob. Ive also had the arrows predict where i was running too once (wtf) but he is trivial now that i have twisted wall of light
Either nameless king or soul of cinder. I'm at the end of my first play through and can't beat either
Finished my first playthrough just today and I agree 100%. I got destroyed at least 10 times by the Dragon part because of how awful the camera angle is. I honestly found the fight to be easier after the Dragon part.