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10/21/2016 6:55:38 PM

Buff The First Curse

The First Curse needs some buffage... Yes, I know how to use the gun. Let's get that out of the way. My technique is quite flawless. Come up against yours truly and you'll probably get the ole 2 shot death....from across the fricken map. Wiping out a team, with the First Curse, is a thing. My observations about this weapon is solely based on time to kill and time to live. That said, the Gun has Horrendous Time to Kill, times. Bloom and recoil are extreme problems for this Exotic Gun's time to kill. You have to wait for the gun to reset after each shot. In that time between shots almost every other gun in the game, in competent hands, will absolutely murder you. In between shots. It's silly. At optimal range, a titan can skate right up to you, and shoot you in the face with a Universal Remote. A Warlock will Dhalsim punch you in the teeth. All in between shots. Forget reloading! There's no time!! Because of this, I've noticed some serious differences in how I have to use the gun depending on the class and even subclass I'm playing with. For starters I have a much, much higher Time to LIVE when I'm on my Titan or Warlock. While my Hunter is by far a much better shooting experience. Titan and Warlocks have shields. Having a shield, while using this gun is perhaps the MOST viable this gun can possibly be. As it's the Time to Live with this gun that's the problem. Because my own time to kill is so much HIGHER I can not go toe to toe, unless I use another weapon. But with a shield, I have that extra time to win a duel...provided I land my shots. If you miss a shot while using The First Curse it doesn't matter if you have shields or Jesus....vs a competent player you're gonna die. And that brings me to my request/suggestion/observation. The First Curse needs to give a shield when you get a kill. NOT health, an overshield. An overshield doesn't prevent the Last Word users from destroying someone with The First Curse. It doesn't stop multi-tool users nor HIGH impact snipers from killing you at range. Thanks

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  • 278 kills with 42% precision kill rating. Your technique isn't even close to "flawless" The rant you put on means nothing when you don't know shit about shit.

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  • [quote]Yes, I know how to use the gun. Let's get that out of the way. My technique is [b]quite flawless[/b].[/quote] Yes, quite. Mmm, indeed.

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  • 10 mored damage and a .15 reduced fire rate for me, only issue with it is when I have it set to full range and a guys 15 feet a way and I 2 headshot WHILE The first Curse is active and they live with a sliver of health so small an atom could be pricked with it. So close, but so far

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    7 답변
    • Or 25% less damage ads

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    • [quote]Yes, I know how to use the gun. Let's get that out of the way[/quote] You do not know how to use the gun, let me get this out of the way. You have barely two-hundred kills, and you only have a forty-something precision kills ratio with the weapon. Come back when you have thousands, if not tens of thousands of kills with this weapon, as well as a ratio over 60%, at a minimum, then, maybe then, your opinions might be taken more seriously. First Curse is a hand cannon crafted exclusively for hand cannon masters, and only the best will make this gun shine . you are not wrong I n suggesting that First Curse does need buffing, but with more advanced features, for those who have truly mastered this awesome weapon.

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      4 답변
      • 작성자: Ankokuseibutsu 10/23/2016 5:54:21 PM
        Obviously you don't know how to use the gun if you're asking for a buff. It's worked fine for me almost exclusively for going on 8 months. The ttk is fine minding you don't miss and land headshots. I got so many wrecking balls this week with it I lost count. It's meant to be a precision killers scalpel. The one thing I will agree on is that the phantom bullets that are sometimes present on this and every hand cannon are absolute garbage and need to be removed.

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      • Get it to 400 then go to iron banner against lower levels

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      • 작성자: Crocco 10/23/2016 3:05:35 PM
        I propose only one buff for The First Curse - increase the base reload speed. I think that alone could put the weapon in a much better place.

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      • You have 201 kills with TFC... I am not trying to be a dick, but about 90% of these buff requests are from people with fewer than 1,000 kills with the gun. You don't know the intricacies of it until you have significantly more time using it; only then do you have the experience necessary to ask for the RIGHT buff for TFC. What is it? Unflinching as a hidden perk, and a significant buff to the ADS movement speed (the initial perk says this happens, but it doesn't) and TFC perk range. I want this gun to be more competitive, and have posted these recommendations before and received a lot of good feedback. Doing more than this would make this gun OP, and it would soon afterwards be nerfed. Messing with damage, TTK, or adding an overshield would instantly catapult this gun to the top. That wouldn't be good for anyone.

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      • Stopped reading when you tried to coin "time to live" as a phrase. Muted also.

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      • Bloom murdered TFC. You have to land every shot for this gun to be effective- bloom prevents that. I loved that gun too.

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      • Bungie doesn't care!

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      • I agree

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      • I am not sure if you're serious or not but let's pretend that you are. This buff of yours would make the gun an absolute OP monster. Your "time to live" jibberish does not make any sense either. Hunters can get just as much armor as warlocks (unless The Ram is used with full armor but that isn't really a very good idea since warlock is sooooooo slow and clumsy even with decent agility stat). Full armor Striker is the only thing that can get over 200hp I believe, maybe Defender also with Void armor chest. The point is that mid RoF HCs can 3 tap you (1 headshot, 2 bodyshots, 200 damage in 0,84 or 0.86 seconds, I don't remember) just as easily as a titan or warlock unless builds mentioned above are used. Just face it, the low RoF HCs are bad for competetive PvP and there is nothing that can be done about it without making them OP. Low RoF HCs have 1,00 second TTK with 1 headshot and 2 bodyshots unless you are shooting a VERY low armor hunter or warlock. That's their own fault for using so low armor, you can even OHK low armor enemies with Devil's Dawn bodyshots. The bottom line? Just buy the vendor roll Palindrome if you don't have Eaysluna or Lord High Fixer with rifled barrel and rangefinder. That way you can use Truth or some other exotic as well.

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        1 답변
        • While this is by far my hands down fav. Exotic hand cannon this gun needs to be exotic slight increase to fire rate drop the reload or keep the fire rate a give it an 75% increase on reload speed also it needs just a slight boost to range about 20% or just completely remove bloom from this weapon. All of these changes would benefit this weapon greatly. And make it stand out. Just my opinion tho.

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