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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
작성자: HorriblyDelish 10/24/2016 8:37:37 PM

State of the Game: PVP

I have alot to say but just want this to be a professional discussion on what the player base has to think about the PVP setting. [b][i]My Opinion:[/i][/b] I believe that the current state of PVP and crucible game types are too reliant on secondaries making the primary game inconsistent. Don't think the problem is all that on secondaries but on inconsistent primaries all around, [i]especially[/i] handcannons and auto rifles. Also for secondary tuning I think snipers need more ammo to compete against the dominant shotgun but fusion and pistol ammo seem fine as well as their TTK. I also believe that Trials is a really slow game right now and it seems to be frustrating and lack luster. This could just be because of the lack of strong primaries IMO. It seems to be stagnant and needs a good tuning. I'm not sure what to say about all these "carries" and paid passages and matchmaking but if I had to say anything I believe that matchmaking seems a little slow and weak connections arise but there should be a balance based on skill level and connection in Trials only. That way you get a solid connection but newer people aren't playing solid pros. This way they can improve and slowly progress as time passes. Facing harder and harder opponents as they progress. I've seen a lot of suggestions in the forums on ways to improve Trials and I would like to hear more from the community. Now for "carries" I think it just seems cheap. I think it defeats the purpose of the best going to the lighthouse and should be fixed but in turn how can you be so desperate to pay large amounts of money to go flawless? Do you not have the time or energy to try hard and achieve your goals? I understand some people have issues and IRL stuff to deal with but is it worth having to pay sums of money to receive loot and never improve? Again, not everyone is perfect and each person has their own excuses. Rest of game modes seem to be fine and lively. Saw some people talking problems about Rift but haven't actually seen much. Supremacy seems shotgun heavy, which seems to be this way due to the all around weak primaries. Feel free to discuss more. As for subclasses I feel the titan smash may be a little too strong with smash as people soaring above the perpetrator's head still die. Lightning nadea feel very strong in every engagement. I feel blink needs a small efficiency buff and shadestep should not be able outright cancel tracking grenades. I haven't found much wrong with the warlock classes but if there is one or two, feel free to comment respectively and discuss. Not much else to say other than this. Seems like primaries need a buff to compete with strong secondaries. Trials seems slow and needs an improved matchmaking to create stronger stable connections while still keeping it competitive for new and dominant players. Subclasses seems like they need some tuning all around, feel free to talk about anything I missed here, and that's it! Lets come together as a civilized and respectable community and decide what needs to be changed and fixed. Bungie listens, they do. Lets figure out what needs to fixed [b]together.[/b] Bump so this reaches the rest of the community to give more feedback so Bungie can see to assess our problems and changes we want implemented. [b][i]Guardian Out[/i][/b]

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