Thoughts on the game Let it die?
Pretty tough. Seems pay to play ish but only if you suck at the game, so far...
On level 11. New bosses are hard af.
Post your stories and thoughts below.
I'll be posting some tips as well. It's a tough game. But don't quit.
Level cap- level cap for your starting characters is 25. This is technically max and not max. To raise higher then this level, you will need to reach level 10 (or level 11 boss, I killed him before I bought new character so I can't confirm) afterwards, when you go to create a third character, (on the train scene with males on left, females on right) hit the r1 button. This will move you to grade 2 characters. Grade 2 can rise past 25.
Weapons- weapons will improve the more you use them. They will degrade, yes, but the firework launcher will become more effective, the more you level it up and use it. For example, the fireworks would previously just hit their target. If leveled up by repetitive use. It will cling to its target and explode, stunning surround enemies. Amazing when being rushed.
Executions/finishers not much to be said other then use them often! The iron can release a cloud of smoke to stun and burn, as well as create a fatality like finishing move by ironing a person's face.
Try it out :)
Floor 30's and higher are no joke. Lol.
Motorpsycho rage is God sent.
Leveling up the pork chopper now. Freaking rosewood is scarce for me for some reason.
Black milk metal has been dropping for me like crazy. Finally!
Edit 3.
Beat the game.
Really hoping for some dlc. Time to kill a jackal I guess lol.
Really hating that upper class weaponry loses a lot of durability at 5 stars. Pork chopper into zombie chopper loses poison.
Hornet sabre has piss poor durability.
Muramasme breaks down instantly at 5 stars... hopefully the jackal gear will be far better.
I played it. WiFi crashed midway through. Was on level 4 with like no money for elevator. Uninstalled. Was fun before twc -blam!-ed me.
I'm enjoying it. Beat the first sub boss and that was the first time I died. It reminds of the chalice dungeons from bloodborne. I haven't worked out if you can switch target lock on mid combat. It hasn't effected me that much though. Nearly maxed one character ( I think) . Dark souls definitely prepares you for what to expect. Obviously it's not as polished but for a F2P title it's great. One of the best I've played in fact.
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