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1/21/2017 6:46:17 PM

Cop-out Moderating

OK So my [b]Cop-Out Muting[/b] post was removed. I can only image it was for the first line of the post where I used a word to describe [u]weakness[/u]. Is it a derogatory word? Maybe but I stand by it's meaning in that context. The fact that my whole post was removed instead of just the word removed is seriously insulting. I was a Forum mod during a beta test i was in years ago and our team prided ourselves on how we moderated. The mod reaction and action was equal to the offense. Simple 'infractions' were handles in a way that allowed the posters context and point of the post to remain. The 'higher' the infraction (or multiple) were handled more seriously. This "one for all" approach needs some serious work. You guys really know how to alienate people who are just trying to express themselves. I'm not saying there aren't plenty of trolls in this place that need to be silenced but to remove an entire post for 1 word is overkill. [spoiler] (Post that was removed with some minor editing) Cop-Out Muting [CONTENT REMOVED] Or what I should really call [b]-blamy-[/b] muting. Of any of my 'heated conversations' with people I've only ever muted someone if they were just straight up trolls, vulgar, or just plain childish. I have never one muted someone for just disagreeing with my PoV or opinion. I've always pushed and challenged people to properly express their opinion even if it's different than mine. There are a handful of people on here that I don't ever think I'll agree with BUT they are not muted and sometime there's a degree of mutual respect that comes out of it. Anyone that mutes for the sole reason of disagreeing PoV or opinion is a cop-out You're not defending your opinion you're just silencing those who disagree with you so YOU don't have to hear it. That's not how the world works and you'll never learn to have a multi-sided conversation. Sorry for the rant but some people just can't take the heat of a conversation.[/spoiler]

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