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원본 게시물 출처:Destiny Fiction Producers
작성자: tryingtodelete 1/23/2017 3:45:11 AM

Knights Among Light Chapter 1: NEW BEGINNINGS

KNIGHTS AMONG LIGHT Chapter I: New Beginnings His name was Incertus. He was a Guardian. A Nightstalker Hunter to be exact. He had fought for nearly 5 months as of today. He'd met the one The Vanguard called ‘The Guardian’. He was now a Vanguard Scout. Incertus strolled across the Traveler’s Walk. He stopped at the fence. The Hunter stared out into the distance. The beautiful sky and landscape. It wasn't a sight he would normally see on patrol. Especially after they opened up the Dreadnaught and the Plaguelands. His straightened the Vanguard pin on his arm. Then someone walked up from behind him. It was uncommon and even rare you have other Guardians out here at night. Incertus looked to the other Guardian. She was a Titan. Extremely armored so a shoulder charge Striker by the looks of it. She removed her mask and looked deeply into the eyes of Incertus as if trying to decipher his thoughts. Then she opened her mouth. “I need you to come with me.” She said. Incertus looked to the Titan. “What does it matter if I go with you or not?” He asked. The Titan chuckled. Then, as Incertus looked away her fist spiraled into his face. Knocking him out. [3 HOURS LATER] Location: {Concordat Resistance HQ, Old Chicago, Willis Tower} “Get up Shadowshot!” A voice yelled. Incertus woke to this. He was laying on a bed. In the corner was a man. He looked to be of at least 30 years old for a normal human. But who knows how long as a Guardian. Another Guardian walked in. He had white hair. Not like naturally white but truly white. He spoke. “Calm down Shinoda!” He walked forwards. He was wearing a helmet known as Light Beyond Nemesis. “You’re going to scare him to death!” The first Guardian, Shinoda, looked towards the other. “Well Strenu, I do believe that you and Sweep have the highest rate of death here. Soooooooo....” Strenu looked to Shinoda curiously. He gestured upwards. Shinoda walked over to Incertus and unlocked the straps keeping his legs on the bed. Incertus got up. The Striker Titan walked. Strenu looked to her now. “Ava, what’s your status?” The Warlock asked. Ava was the Striker Titan that had knocked out Incertus previously. She wore Concordat armor. Incertus hadn't noticed this earlier. Another thing he hadn't noticed was that her hair was blue with a green streak and not black. Her eyes were also green. She walked up to Incertus and picked him up off of the bed. Strenu nodded. Ava looked to Incertus in bitterness. She spoke to him. “Follow me rookie.” She said to Incertus, still bitter. The Hunter got up. He followed Ava. They walked out of the building onto a crowded street. There were other Guardians outside. Running and walking in uniforms of black and white, red and white, and even yellow, red, and blue. They were members of the City Factions. Incertus heard talk and orders across the crowd. “This is ThunderBunker reporting in from Future War Cult.” One said. A Future War Cult Gunslinger Hunter named Matthew. He looked to Ava. “Is that guy with you?” He asked. Ava nodded and took out her badge. Matthew looked over it. He gave a thumbs up and let Ava and a very confused Incertus through. Matt pulled up his comms: “Contact General Hemera, Rookie confirmed.” Ava led the way. The two Guardians were going to a building that was once called the Aon Center. Ava looked to Incertus and walked away and towards a vehicle link. “Alright Rookie, or as you are now known, Shadowshot, this is a Sparrow Link. You connect your transmat to it and you ride your Spar-” Incertus cut in. “You know that I know how to do things right?” Ava just stared at him. “Just follow me until I say stop.” She told Incertus. The two Guardians jumped on their Sparrows and rode towards the McCormick Place. -MEANWHILE- [Location: Concordat Headquarters, London, England {Troop Training Facility 9} ] Concordat Admiral Kun walked across the courtyard. He watched as Concordat troops trained. He was met with Lieutenant Commander Yulin of the Concordat Marines. “Why good afternoon Admiral, it's a surprise to see you actually showed up today.” Admiral Kun said. Lieutenant Commander Yulin looked to Kun with distaste. “I was waiting for you this time Admiral. I am aware that my weapon is not complete yet Admiral, and I'm working on i-” The Admiral looked down upon Yulin. “I'm afraid Supreme Leader Lysander does not approve of the fact you haven't completed it yet. Brigadier Kinneel doesn't either. And I don't. If your ‘Weapon’ isn't completed you will be facing a less faithful audience of the Supreme Leader.” Yulin glared at the taller man. “Well I must say that you won't be disappointed by my weapon. It will be tested tomorrow afternoon at approximately three twenty PM. The target will be terminated upon the test.” The Admiral walked alongside Yulin. “Well then. I believe there will be no concern of failure, I will ensure that Supreme Leader and the Brigadier are present.” The two walked in opposite directions. Admiral Kun smirked to himself knowing all too well that the weapon was ready. Lieutenant Commander Yulin walked away with a strict look on his face. He went up the stairs and into the balcony suite. He looked down on to the troops training below. He turned on his comms. A new signal came through. “Sir, the DarkMatter Rail is online and charged for tomorrow's demonstration.” Yulin responded. “Good, keep it online and prepare the Hybrid. We can't have those Resistance knowing what's taking place here.” His response was followed by a yes sir from his contact. Yulin took his Hawksaw from it's case on the wall. He put it on his back and walked to the docking bay. He got into the cockpit of his personal ship. The one known as the “Mind Bleacher”. He got in the cockpit, activated the engines and flew offwards to a space station orbiting the Earth. The station was home to the weapon... Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. See ya soon! NEXT CHAPTER: Hybrid Theory

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  • Pretty neat! The only thing I'd recommend is maybe join some of the sentences together so they're not as short. Short ones now and again are good for making a statement stand out, but too many makes the reading feel a little choppy. Is there a way I could get to the other chapters, like a master post or a link to the next one? I'd like to continue if there's more. Bump!

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    다른 사용자들을 존중해주세요. 게시물을 제출하기 전에 한 숨 돌리고 운영 정책을 검토하세요. 취소 수정 화력팀 생성하기 게시

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