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4/10/2017 2:35:10 AM

bungie ninjas are biased

this is proof on how biased they are the first message from bungie fan is "the raids are relevant again and still fun, take your butt hurt elsewhere" i responded with "the raids are fun and good but still has their problems and need to be addressed, take your fanboyisim elswhere" he responded with "if you dont like the raids, don't do them. take your tude to CoD." (what???? i just said the raids are fun and good??? what??) so i responded with "you are obviously blind and did not read my reply, take your retardation elsewhere" and he responded with "i read it... now go play CoD with the other childeren." (what?? so he read it and he still thinks i apparently hate the raids and im complaining? okay) and now i am BANNED for calling him the R word ooooh so mean, when he called me a child? is it because what i said is offensive? i mean how triggered do these so called ninjas have to be? they are not ninjas because ninjas are cool, they are bungie toads because when they see anything slightly offensive or against their beloved game they screech like one and blow themselves up like a balloon.

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