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작성자: thedandymancan 5/24/2017 8:55:57 PM

Does it make sense lore-wise if the old subclasses NEVER return? How about that "10-year plan"?

As a proud Sunsinger main (ever since I unlocked the subclass, in fact), I'm both excited about the new subclasses (Dawnblade, Sentinel, Arcstrider), and concerned. We have existing material in the lore which references the Sunsinger, Defender, and Bladedancer subclasses, so I can't honestly find a valid reason why they'd be gone for good. I know some might say, "The Cabal cut us off from the Traveler's light, dummy! That's why we lose our powers! Haven't you been paying any attention?!". However, it's clear we regain them, as evidenced by the main story's plot. Plus, the Striker and Gunslinger subclasses are making a return, so what gives? Osiris is generally assumed to be a Sunsinger, but to be fair, that may never have been explicitly stated. What shall his DLC bring, I wonder? Even if the specific [i]title[/i] of a subclass may be just semantics, certain abilities have basis in-lore. For example, Radiance, and Fireborn in particular. The grimoire card for Radiance states the following: "A Warlock in a state of Radiance threatens to slip beyond the bonds of the material, shrugging off physical harm, channeling a torrent of abilities. Some may learn to elevate nearby Guardians, gifting them with power. Others, entranced by the Ghosts' power to reach beyond death, may learn to pluck themselves out of nothingness like the phoenix of ancient myth." If a Warlock can no longer self-resurrect in Destiny 2, how is that justified lore-wise? TL, DR: Some things about current subclasses are part of the lore (e.g. Fireborn Radiance), so it doesn't make sense to remove them in Destiny 2.

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  • Simple, the new sub classes are actually new sub classes. Let me explain, we lost our powers so we have to learn new powers.

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    1 답변
    • dude... SUB-sub-classes [spoiler]I don't know what in talking about[/spoiler]

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    • [quote]Osiris is generally assumed to be a Sunsinger, but to be fair, that may never have been explicitly stated. What shall his DLC bring, I wonder?[/quote] Osiris is a Voidwalker. Look into the cards describing how Saint-14 recommended him to the Speaker for evidence.

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      2 답변
      • Your Sunsinger evolved. It had one final radiance which whith its intense flames burned away the shackles of old that held it back and gave birth to the Dawn Blade you are now. No longer are the flaming wings of your past radiance just for show, for now you are able to soar high and rain flaming death onto those below. You lost nothing but instead gained even more. [spoiler]There's your lore. Hope you can sleep better now[/spoiler]

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        2 답변
        • Yeah, we evolve our current subclasses. Warlock radiance now manifests into a sword instead of just ability cooldowns. Bladedancers now have a spear and some form of small cone attack. Titans have weaponized their shield to not only defend, but attack.

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        • As a defender titan main I can relate to this believe me I can not wait to try out the sentinel class but ward of dawn has a special place in my heart.

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          1 답변
          • 작성자: Don Draper 714 5/25/2017 11:57:02 PM
            Honestly only people who care about the lore are on the forums..the other million who don't give a -blam!- about lore and never read the grimmore don't care lol

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            1 답변
            • [quote]If a Warlock can no longer self-resurrect in Destiny 2, how is that justified lore-wise?[/quote]Easy. Warlocks decided that bringing themselves back from the dead to throw grenades more quickly was a waste of time, so they learned how to be better at staying alive.

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              1 답변
              • Who cares about the lore bungies removing SS because they hate the self rez. If we know one thing, lore is far from being important to what they do in this game. [spoiler]besides the subclass is garbage anyways nowadays. I'm happy to see it replaced with a better ulti. It has the same shit in it anyways.[/spoiler]

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              • 10 year plan had nothing to do with Destiny. Ten year plan was between Activision and Sony.

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                1 답변
                • 작성자: Vee Kay Oh 12/3/2019 6:08:30 AM
                  Glad to see more like myself, players who literally play one class and subclass. Bladedancer here. [spoiler][i]Before anyone asks, it's more immersive to me like that. One character, one type. Using all three power types makes it seem OP to me. Weird, I know.[/i][/spoiler] If bladedancing is in the game, I'll avoid Arcstrider altogether. Going from Bladedancer to Arcstrider won't bother me [i]too much[/i] cause the pole is actually a spear (cause of the blades on the end of it).. [b]Also, saw a post in here that said you can't raid playing just one subclass. False. I wait until the raid settles, "all of a sudden" Bladedancers can be effective. Things change once the try hards get their completions. [/b]

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                • The new subclasses are supposed to be an offensive version of defender and sunsinger and an upgraded version of bladedancer

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                • What does the ten year plan have to do with supers?

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                • Hey nice to meet someone else who is dedicated to a single subclass too! I hope the original subclasses come back in the future because that stripper pole they call "Arcstrider" is not what I want. Sunsingers got a huge upgrade with Dawnblade though.

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                  6 답변
                  • [quote]As a proud Sunsinger main (ever since I unlocked the subclass, in fact), I'm both excited about the new subclasses (Dawnblade, Sentinel, Arcstrider), and concerned. We have existing material in the lore which references the Sunsinger, Defender, and Bladedancer subclasses, so I can't honestly find a valid reason why they'd be gone for good. I know some might say, "The Cabal cut us off from the Traveler's light, dummy! That's why we lose our powers! Haven't you been paying any attention?!". However, it's clear we regain them, as evidenced by the main story's plot. Plus, the Striker and Gunslinger subclasses are making a return, so what gives? Osiris is generally assumed to be a Sunsinger, but to be fair, that may never have been explicitly stated. What shall his DLC bring, I wonder? Even if the specific [i]title[/i] of a subclass may be just semantics, certain abilities have basis in-lore. For example, Radiance, and Fireborn in particular. The grimoire card for Radiance states the following: "A Warlock in a state of Radiance threatens to slip beyond the bonds of the material, shrugging off physical harm, channeling a torrent of abilities. Some may learn to elevate nearby Guardians, gifting them with power. Others, entranced by the Ghosts' power to reach beyond death, may learn to pluck themselves out of nothingness like the phoenix of ancient myth." If a Warlock can no longer self-resurrect in Destiny 2, how is that justified lore-wise? TL, DR: Some things about current subclasses are part of the lore (e.g. Fireborn Radiance), so it doesn't make sense to remove them in Destiny 2.[/quote] Who care about the lore anyways

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                    2 답변
                    • I would of liked it better if the guardians had to tap into the darkness to fight the cabal and we would and we would have gotten completely new supers not reskinned supers

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                    • The nine decided it wasn't allowed in the trials so everybody quit using it entirely so ikora stopped teaching it. [spoiler]How does it work lorewise that boys are wearing girl pants all over earth? [/spoiler]

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                      1 답변
                      • I get what you're saying. But from a pure "trying to improve the game" standpoint, resurrecting has to go. And hopefully has with Dawnblade coming in. It has got to be tougher to plan out boss fights and encounters with self res, and people have found ways to exploit it heavily throughout D1's lifespan. On another note, now hopefully when hard modes on raids come out people won't immediately jump on you for not using sunsinger. I've gotta think having choice is an improvement.

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                      • As I understand it the D1 subclasses haven't gone away; they just aren't playable. In D2 the story would suggest that we go on the offensive with newly devised abilities that Guardians are testing against this latest threat. The Vanguard is aware that the Cabal are on the way, so what better way to confuse your enemy ? Use things they haven't seen before.

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                      • How I understand it, we've evolved our old subclasses. That's why they've changed. As to why we would have forgotten how to do things like come back without a ghost, my guess is they had to give up some abilities for the new. (For instance, fireborn had to be exchanged for the sword.)

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                      • It's not Arcstrider. It's poledancer.

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                        7 답변
                        • Don't forget blink, from what I know voidwalker and the new blade dancer or "pole dancer" both don't have a blink movement option. If voidwalker does they might have it as a class ability rather than a movement option. But still its in the lore and they might have taken that away too.

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                          3 답변
                          • 작성자: divereflex 5/25/2017 9:54:25 PM
                            I think it is safe to say that what happens to the traveller and the loss of the travellers light on this scale is unprecedented. We don't know what guardians need to do to regain their powers and how that effects them / their manifestation of the light. Given the context I think it is wholly plausible and compelling for a guardian who has to struggle to regain their connection to the light to have their powers manifest differently. It's a total paradigm shift. We also know that - in the time of the Iron Lords - there were beings who could use the travellers light and yet were not guardians as we know them. We also know the Fallen were also once uplifted by the Traveller and it very likely could have manifested differently for them. Changing subclasses is entirely credible given what we know of the lore.

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                          • Pretty ok with anything replacing bladedancer. If wacs can't rez anymore i am ok with that i rarely used that class for rezing i just liked the nade spamming. Going to be very sad about losing my bubble but i do like that shield.

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                          • Lore is important for a game, but it should never handcuff a developer to design decisions. Everything I've seen with the new subclasses points towards a positive redesign of the old classes, so I really don't care what lore it violates if it makes playing the game more fun. Especially when it's this minor.

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                          • 작성자: virt 5/25/2017 8:49:59 PM
                            I don't think of these subclasses as exclusive. I feel like our previous subclasses can still exist, we just don't play them. Remember we're not the only guardians, so other non-player guardians will likely use a variety of solar, void, and arc abilities. That's I like to think of it anyway. In the gameplay trailer, Ikora clearly throws a nova bomb at those cabal in the Tower. I feel like the new subclasses are purely for a fresh new gameplay.

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