Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Dan Carlin's Common Sense
Stuff You Should Know
Kickass News
Ben Shapiro Show
Joe Rogan Experience
Planet Money
The Bungie Podcast
Fresh Air
Hidden Brain
How I Built This
Learn Spanish Podcast
Up First
Waking Up
Masters of Scale
Foreign Policy Editor's Roundtable
Ted Talks
Ted Radio Hour
The Way I Heard It
Rush Limbaugh's Morning Update haha
Am taking recommendations
2 답변
작성자: WILLtheKILLA5 5/27/2017 6:50:34 AMLouder with Crowder Ben Shapiro Savage Nation Rebel Force Radio Radical WoW: Tomb of Sargeras Dude Soup
Jarcast H3 Podcast Btw, do you even have a life? How can you watch 21 hour long podcasts?
작성자: Spicy Water 5/27/2017 6:45:35 PM
작성자: MldSqrrl 5/27/2017 8:26:30 AMThe weekly planet Do Go On Casefile S-Town (a must listen) Serial Stuff you should know QandA Conversations (another really interesting one) Hollywood Babble On Cosmic vertigo Felon Myths and Legends Lore Plumbing the deathstar The Official Podcast Filthy Casuals, there's like 10 different podcasts groups by that name though Tall Tales and true (Really good shorter podcasts) Pheobes fall The Serial Killer Podcast My Dad wrote a porno (pretty meh can be funny probably really scripted) H3 Podcast Shutup a second Serial Most of those I enjoy lots, some are probably not interesting or relevant to some people, the ones bracketed should be listened to regardless though.
Podcasts are a dead fad like the iPod. Webcasts are where its at. Let's Make Mistakes Together with Philip Defranco (they deleted most and quit making them)