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작성자: Charlemagne 5/9/2017 9:21:47 PM

Happy Lukems/Luke Smith!

Today marks Luke Smith's tenth year at Bungie! = Bungie/ birthday. For those of you who do not know, Luke wasn't always a project lead/director. In fact, before the times of [url=]DeeJ[/url] and [url=]Cozmo[/url], [url=]Lukems[/url] was our community manager. He ushered in the way for [url=]Urk[/url]. Over the years at Bungie, Luke Smith has worked his way into different roles in the studio and is now the director of Destiny 2. If you liked the Vault of Glass and The Taken King, he was the lead on those two projects. Thank you for all that you've done, Lukems, and I know that we all look forward to the years to come with you at Bungie!

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