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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
6/4/2017 7:34:22 PM

Best and Worst Changes to Sunsinger/Dawnblade for Destiny 2

As a warlock main and looking at the changes they made this is what I think about the Dawnblade. What do you guys think about the changes?

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  • Extremely disapponted that we are being forced to use classes we hate cause to many people used Sunsinger. It's enough for me to say nah to my pre order already got my money back

    게시물 작성 언어:


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  • Sorry, in a car as of right now so I can't watch the video. However, my thoughts on the changes: Grenades: barely any changes here, but it looks like fire bolts are more viable now, since fusions don't OHK anymore. I think that's good. Jumps: I hate he nerf of lateral movement across the board in D2. Melee: they essentially made it Brimstone and Surge from voidwalker. I'm fine that that, since they removed the extremely controversial flame shield. I wish they made the Surge one burn as well though. Super: Finally, radiance fully fills its avenging angel role. You can fly, and it's much more powerful. I kind of liked the idea of the original radiance more, but a more powerful super is welcome anyway. No game-breaking self res though, which is fine. Passives: they removed burn in favor for much more aerial movement. I like this idea. Both sets of perks seem pretty powerful, although the dodge one looks a little better. I love what the actual perks do though (being able to go down really fast, or shooting while gliding, or getting an air dodge.) changes here are good. So, they pretty much removed everything that made sunsinger controversial: OHK stickies, flame shield, self resurrection, and burning. They basically made a new class that looks the same. I'll miss original sunsinger, but I'm willing to embrace this new class instead.

    게시물 작성 언어:


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