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6/23/2017 7:37:44 PM

Guardian down~ chapter 4: Friends?

"Oh..." The hooded figure looked over at Yang, unconscious. "Moren.." They summoned their ghost. The ghost appeared. Moren, as the ghost was called, had an icy blue shell. Icy blue and cold looking. Cold.. a bit like their personality too. "How can I help you, guardian?" Moren replied. "Is that girl... is she.. did she just die?!" The guardian said pointing to Yang. Moren flew over to Yang and started scanning her. "No.. I don't know I don't think she's-" Moren was cut off mid sentence as he was pushed away from Yang. Hyper had come over to check out the situation. Hyper was unsure about the mysterious guardian and the horrible looking ghost. She had flown into Moren and pushed him away. "No! She is not dead! My guardian is not dead she is practically just unconscious! My guardian is my responsibility so go away and take your cold, ugly sidekick with you!" Hyper cut into the conversation, half annoyed but also half scared for Yang. The guardian was just about to speak but then she saw Moren fly back over to Hyper. "Well! I'm so sorry, princess!" He muttered once he had flown into Hyper and pushed her away. "I was only trying to help so stop being so moody. Moodier than a mood light..." The guardian facepalmed while watching the two ghost. They were fighting. A ghost fight? That's rare. "Don't call me princess!" Hyper shouted back, in much anger. The two ghosts carried on cursing to each other. They were too busy cursing to realise that Yang was slowly waking up in the midst of their 'argument'. Yang slowly got up and rubbed her head. Oh god, what had happened? She then looked over at the ghosts. She got up and walked over to them. "Hey! Stop fighting!" The ghosts ignored Yang and carried on cursing and flying at each other, trying to cause harm. "I said stop it!" Yang laughed a bit and then pulled the two ghosts away from each other. She looked at Moren. "Where's your guardian?" "My guardian saved your life you should be thankful!" Moren replied. "She is thankful!!!" Hyper snapped back in anger, again. Yang sighed and looked over in the background and saw a black hooded guardian. She sighed at the two ghosts and then walked in the guardian's direction. 'I wonder why he helped me?' Yang was starting to think. 'I wonder if he'll also help me get back to the tower' more thoughts were flashing through her head until she was in close range of the guardian. Yang stumbled on a twig and then looked at the guardian. "Hello..?" The guardian looked back and saw Yang standing there. "My names Yang. Thanks for helping me! I'm kind of a new guardian, I'm not really a fighter yet." The guardian nodded. The guardian took off their helmet and the first thing Yang noticed was long flowing red hair. "Hey! My names Electra."

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