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작성자: Digital__Trooper 9/11/2017 7:24:34 PM

Creating a Youtube Series for the LOLs

For those of you that have watched Red VS Blue, then you will understand what I am getting at here. I am going to work on creating a Youtube Series in Destiny 2. This is going to be a story that will be about a group of guys that are playing Destiny, and they are horrendously bad at the game. When they are playing a game they will find CPUs that are actually talking to them about a quest that they need help saving their princess. The gamers believe that this is just a normal quest, but soon realize that the world of Destiny 2 is actually where CPUs actually live inside the game. This is planned to have a ton of comedy with a wide variety of personalities. Each character will have something unique about them (stereotypes of gamers) that will have the viewer connect with the gamers. As I begin this, I wanted to see if there was an [b]audience[/b] out there that would be down to watch this, help give constructive criticism, and help this idea grow? I didn't want to get to far in the weeds on this, or to put all of my notes on the internet. But I did want to find out what you guys thought? Appreciate the help in advance!

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