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클랜 모집

클랜 또는 새로운 클랜원을 찾으세요.
9/14/2017 1:40:59 PM

[Xb1 Clan] The legends of the unknown clan now open to SOLO players and Groups of guardians!!!!!

Defiantly will join!!!


Might join if there is cookies (There is :p)


Not joining


Welcome! We are the legends of the unknown inviting all guardians to join! Doesn't matter if your a solo player who just likes the rewards from being in a clan ;). Or if you are a guardian who loves to game with others. We are a VERY ACTIVE CLAN and also a very respectable clan helping all who need it. This clan participates in all activities including -Raids -Crucible -Trails of the Nine -Strikes -Nightfalls Just to name a few. Let us Solo players and Firefeams unite under one banner!!! So that the Legends of the Unknown will forever echo through the light.

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