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작성자: XenoNative 9/25/2017 8:45:12 PM

Destination Club is now recruiting

[b]Destination Club is a PS4 community which currently has 4,500+ Guardians.[/b] We are now launching an official clan for this gigantic community, be the among the 1st to join. +[u]Our purpose[/u] : ensure that every Guardian that arrives reaches their max level and find players to take on any/all activities. +[u]Our goal[/u] :make sure we hit the Weekly Clan level cap so we can reap all the perks, buffs, extra loot, & engrams. All Guardians are welcomed to join regardless of skill or level. Look up Destination Club on your PS4 console & also be a part of the 4.5k in this community (help us become even larger). To all the Seekers from Guided Games, we are honored and humbled if you choose us to help you. So welcome Guardian, you've arrived at your Destination. [DC]

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