opening cinematic and in game dialogue playing at 2x speed
throughout the entirety of the story portion of the pc beta the audio from my ghost and any other characters with dialogue was played at 2x speed. the opening cinematic had this issue as well as the video playing at 2x speed but the ending cinematic for the mission only had the increased audio speed while retaining usual video speed. the ending cutscene had the audio at double the speed but the video was a regular speed. i presume the difference is one was pre rendered and the other in engine but im not an expert on the subject. i made two warlocks and a hunter and all three characters had this issue.
Please make sure your audio and video card drivers are up to date.
And can you please try deleting the existing CVARS.xml file. This file can be found in:
Note that when relaunched, the Destiny 2 Beta application will generate a fresh CVARS.xml file.
See if that helps.