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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
작성자: AlackofNaCl 11/5/2017 12:23:14 AM

A potentially unrealistic lore-related request

Tl;Dr Retcon Dawnblade out of the game, bring back Sunsinger. Wordwall: My excitement at the Osiris trailer died faster than his use of Daybreak. I realize that the subclass categorization are not set in stone, and that ultimately Guardian supers are small details that aren't important to the story the writers are hoping to tell. I also understand that a living, breathing person with feelings wrote the lore for the warlock' s current solar subclass. I say the following not to add to the toxicity: It's subpar writing that doesn't hold a candle to the Sunsinger. Whatever bit of info, history, or story involved with Dawnblade is lackluster. It doesn't capture my imagination. I don't feel like a powerful space mage steeped in mystery and mysticism. The times I find myself playing as a Dawnblade (to finish strike objectives usually), I feel like a generic knockoff of the other classes. I was initially giddy with excitement when Dawnblade was revealed! "Alright!" I thought "They're really embracing the symbolism of the Abrahamic myths! Winged beings of Light wielding flaming swords, Guardians of a lost paradise! Nice!" That positive feeling dissipated, to my surprise, fairly quick. Dawn. Blade. It doesn't follow the naming conventions for warlocks up to now. The super sees the warlock channel their Light into physical weapon. Like hunters. In fact, that's exactly what sets hunters apart from the other two classes. They channel the Light and transform it into weapons. Golden Gun, ArcBlade, Arc Staff, Void Now. The actual gameplay of the DB super is like using Hammers of Sol. Warlocks become conduits for the Light. They channel it through their bodies as purely and as raw as possible. Nova Bomb, Storm Trance, Radiance- they all fit the themes and ideas of "warlock". I am probably the only guy that doesn't play Dawnblade for the above stated criticisms. Most people probably don't really play it because of how unimpressive it feels. My unrealistic solution? Scrub Dawnblade from the game. Bring back Sunsinger. Give the current subclass an attunement of Radiance and an attunement of Daybreak. Remove the swordswinging animation and just have the warlock, I dunno, snap their fingers. - a bummed out space wizard

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