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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
12/22/2017 2:30:15 PM

DLC Idea: Return of the Concordat/Lysander’s Return

Team Vanguard


Team Lysander


Hey guys. So recently I had this idea for a DLC involving the Concordat. There isn’t really much known about them other than the fact that their leader is named Lysander, they didn’t like the Speaker, and were exiled form the City but in doing so gave way for FWC to join the Consensus. It is also said that Lysander is still missing and may be trying to gain followers. In this DLC we would learn more about the nature of Lysander’s exile and of the Faction Wars. The main premise is to either stop them from ever taking place in the first place by neutralizing or eliminating Lysander or to win said Faction Wars, establish dominance over the City, and rule at Lysander’s side. I was thinking this DLC would have alternate quest lines depending on decisions made early on (see mission 1 below). Mission 1: Starts as a routine elimination mission of hive leadership (I was thinking a high ranking knight) on Titan. It would start out like an adventure (orange side quest) but then at the final stage just as soon as you get the knight to low health (like a quarter health or something), it goes to a cutscene where one of the walls explode from being fired on by a guardian ship. The knight escapes as you are being shot to little bits by this mysterious ship. You are rezzed by Ghost and the ship’s pilot transmats inside while the ship is hovering outside (you are to assume that his ghost is flying the ship). He randomly attacks you as soon as he gets inside and you must defend against an onslaught of his attacks. After surviving a certain amount of time it goes to a cutscene where he punches you in the face, knocks you to the ground, knocks your gun away, and puts a shotgun to your head. He says “You fight with the strength of many, guardian. Too bad I fight with the strength of more. I am Lysander, fearless leader of the Concordat. Will you join us or will you die your final death?” (I was thinking he would be a conceited asshole and always be really full of himself). At that point you choose between joining him shown by you grabbing his hand as he helps you to stand or you choose to continue fighting shown by you doing a badass move where you knock his gun off your forehead, roll over to your gun and start fighting again. After a while of surviving, a fireteam of guardians come and you are disintegrated by Lysander meleeing you. You are rezzed and see Lysander walking away. He says that we will meet again transmats into his ship as he flies away. Fireteam escorts your injured body back to the City. Cutscene of a vanguard meeting about the previous altercation. Intro to Lysander and mission ends. Thanks for reading guys. Hope you enjoyed. I will post about more missions if this is well received. Upvote or comment below for more missions.

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