In today's world, there's going to be [i]Bad[/i] things, [i]Good[/i] things, Mistakes and Fixes. Not everything is going to be [b][i][u]Perfect[/u][/i][/b], nowadays you gotta take it by a grain of salt.
[i][u]First Microtransactions[/u][/i], they're not going to be perfect, we all know that. But one thing you have to realize they added to add cool new features and new toys, and new items to the game, [u][b]but this is the kicker[/b][/u] most people say, [quote]The money that they get from [i][u][b]Microtransactions[/b][/u][/i], mostly goes into there pockets[/quote]. That might be true, or not be true.
The way that I see it, they added it to keep revenue coming in from the game. Let me ask you this.? See now Bungie they have servers for Destiny 2, now how do they maintain there servers, to keep the servers running good for us as the community. It costs money to maintain and keep the servers up and running.
Everything has a price, and anything new or upcoming is going to have a cost. So therefore there's a reason behind Microtransactions. Like I said it's not going to be the best thing in the world. But you have to understand where they are coming from business point of view.
Yes, some of the things that they added to Destiny 2 could be earnable in the game, and a little over priced. Which I'm talking about Eververse.