What "corporate buzzword" is ruined to each reader over the past few years? There's plenty to choose from.
Any of the many "ists/isms/phobias", "libtard", "problematic", "degenerate", "diversity", "quota", "compliant/compliance", "cooperate/cooperation", "authority/authorities", and "resist/resistance" just to name a few for this user. There should still be plenty to choose from, perhaps a bit more obscure for some regions, yet overused in others that are worth sharing. Discuss.
"diversity" means "I hate white people" now
"inequality" means "I'm poor and bitter about it"
"gender" means "I dont know what sexes are"
"safe" means "no one here disagrees with me"
"[url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url]" means "anyone I don't like"