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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
작성자: geehosophat 1/25/2018 2:02:06 AM


From grinding public events for 3hrs straight and coming home with 1 exotic... even though you have three of coins and fireteam medallion already on. To the millions of beautiful yet repetetive shaders available for all of our snipe- I mean auto rifles. Destiny 2 has never been better. Destiny 2 has wowed it's 10 fans to the point where even the servers are down when try to join. Take that GTA V! Destiny 2 knows how to go old school with it's 30 fps and I respect that. Right now I'm enjoying the endgame of giving feedback on the forums. I mean it's either that or my PayPal. I know destiny 2 has had some rough as being a downgrade dlc. I can't wait destiny 3 when they forget guns and we fight with our fists. EYES UP GUARDIAN.

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