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작성자: VYK 3/9/2018 10:31:41 AM

Can't login to other bungie account to change display name & unique id for this account (switched profiles)

I unlinked my PSN account from my old bungie account, which was my only login method of getting into it. So when I made a new account for (not remembering the old account), I forgot I had done that prior and just made a new account entirely. So I linked all my consoles to my new bungie account, but when I did it for my PSN account, it told me it would delete the information from my old account since that was the only link to the login and was only associated with forums and stuff (so I thought). So I clicked yes since I didn't need it anymore now switching to PC. Even though after the fact, I can still see the account by searching Vykrin in the search bar. So if possible, could you delete the old account so my Display Name and Unique ID could be switched to Vykrin? I have any proof needed to prove that it is my account. I just had forgot I had it back when I played Destiny on PS4 and claimed the name I wanted before I made the mistake of creating an unlinkable bnet account since I mainly play PC now. I know this is just a minor issue but it would help a ton because I am weirdly OCD with these types of things lol. [u][b]Thank you[/b] [/u]

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  • Hey there, Unfortunately Bungie profiles cannot be deleted. If you’d like to change the unique ID, you can attempt to recover that profile to change it yourself. You can find steps to do this here.

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