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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
작성자: Splenduh 5/12/2018 9:32:07 AM

Matchmaking Fixes

Background: My friends and I are among the best players in Oceania currently. We were all pretty stoked to have a reason to return to Destiny PVP with the announcement of Competitive ranks and rewards. However, we have encountered a number of significant issues preventing us from playing ranked. Bungie needs to implement a region lock similar to how Blizzard has done on Overwatch. Countless times we have been matched against some of the best NA teams on 180ping or higher. It is virtually impossible to win on the competitive modes (especially Countdown) with this connection. Issues such as peekers advantage, dereg and a whole manner of hosting problems crop up that are out of our control. I wouldn't be making this post if we would get host from time to time but we don't. We exclusively get matched against Americans and have blatantly unfair games. As I said, I would be happy to match these people if we shared host but that never happens for whatever reason. I suggest that a region lock would fix this issue. It would allow players across all regions to play on their host or similar ONLY. If you want to match against NA or EU, just add an option to search for those regions (considering Battlenet client already allows this). Bungie has already shown zero interest in opting for dedicated servers (which would get rid of this issue entirely) so this is the only feasible option.

게시물 작성 언어:


다른 사용자들을 존중해주세요. 게시물을 제출하기 전에 한 숨 돌리고 운영 정책을 검토하세요. 취소 수정 화력팀 생성하기 게시

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  • 작성자: vmondude 5/15/2018 10:45:16 AM
    Yeah Bungie really dropped the ball the second they chose not to get dedicated servers. After all the issues D1 showed us. Connections will forever hold Destiny from being good when it’s running on a prehistoric P2P system. P2P just doesn’t work for modern shooters, the skill level of gamers nowadays is too high, for lag to still be a thing. If a player has a bad connection it should be ‘their’ problem, not everyone in the matches.

    게시물 작성 언어:


    다른 사용자들을 존중해주세요. 게시물을 제출하기 전에 한 숨 돌리고 운영 정책을 검토하세요. 취소 수정 화력팀 생성하기 게시

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