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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
작성자: Derpy Taco11 6/14/2018 8:25:17 PM

Bungie Why?!?!?

You missed a great opportunity for a perfect strike and killed off a very interesting character. And NO I'm not talking about Cayde. [Also I totally predicted cayde's death in my DLC ideas.] No I'm actually talking about Skriviks, the Sharp-Eyed. Info-[spoiler][quote]Skriviks was a noble of the Fallen House of Wolves who commanded a Ketch piloted by the High Servitor Kaliks-12. She was present at the doomed Cybele Uprising of 65 Cybele, where Skolas, Wolf Kell desperately attempted to turn the tide of the Reef Wars. Skriviks was captured by the Awoken along with the other remaining Wolf nobles and cast into the Prison of Elders. Notably, although Skriviks was presumably freed with her fellow nobles during the Wolves' later rebellion against the Awoken, she was never encountered during the Wolves' raids on Earth, the Moon, and Venus, and Petra Venj issued no bounty against her. Skriviks' whereabouts remained unknown for over two years, until the advent of the Red War. She was encountered leading a band of House of Dusk scavengers in the European Dead Zone's Blackened Forest, near the Shard of the Traveler, accompanied by her lieutenants Tikkis, Diminished Scrapper and Maksor, Starving Scavenger.[/quote][/spoiler] So she disappears without a trace and no bounty is put on her unlike the others who were hunted down by guardians. She then appears for no reason in a level 3 mission just to die. There could have been a strike about how she was found and the reef put a high price on her. You then go to a strike and fight you way through a ketch killing her lieutenants before finishing her in the throne room. But instead bungie gave it a big f*ck you. Remember MyTag if you want fallen related post.

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