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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
작성자: Derpy Taco11 6/22/2018 3:29:54 PM

Something far worse than the Skorn.

So I was the EDZ helping Devrim with some things and stuff. He sent me to go grab some glimmer at a drop point in the sunken isle. While I was there I saw a dreg. It was a normal everyday dreg. However it was teabagging. I had no idea what it was doing so I took a closer look and the dreg noticed me. It started to teabag the ground more intensely and began to shoot the ground. Then he stopped, looked around and ran straight into the ground. I then received 10 glimmer and a blue engram. Now! Some of you might think that he died and I got the loot. Others might think that it was just a glitch in the game. But no! It's something much darker. If you thought The Skorn were bad then prepare yourself for the house of Moles! [spoiler]So I'm currently working on a lot of post about fallen and destiny National Geographic at the moment. So decided to post a glitch I found to fill the gap.[/spoiler]

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