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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
6/23/2018 9:38:47 PM

A Lesbian Scientist...

Why are people so mad/surprised?? A world set a couple centuries ahead of our would more than likely be fine with things we're still stupidly hung up on. Ikora is a woman of color as a Vanguard. She kicked Shaxx's arse in the Crucible, reinvented how we think about circles AND has an information network dedicated to lurking in shadows. Not to mention she's a Warlock, a class not really [i]meant[/i] for battle. And SOMEHOW managed to do a double Nova Bomb during the invasion. Suraya leads an entire commune without even asking the City for help. She even knocks Zavala down a peg by pointing out she's not afraid even though she never had Light. Later, Zavala even acknowledged her skill by calling her "Guardian" Ana was/is a scientist who worked on some of the biggest innovations of the Golden Age. She earned Shaxx's respect by creating pools of light via GG at Twilight Gap. When Zavala told her to be more concerned with Tower affairs, she faked her death so she could do as she saw fit. Face it, women in Destiny are tough as nails and are blatantly unapologetic about it. If you're gonna whine that Ana isn't straight, that's a you problem. #LongLiveTheLesbians

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  • 작성자: coopcusco04 6/24/2018 9:52:31 PM
    No ones mad she's a lesbian, people are mad the story is "she's a lesbian" tell us a cool story not a sexual identity story. This is not the Oxygen channel. Come on be more creative in your judgements of other peoples views. Just because you believe something doesn't mean you should virtue signal every chance you get, its a turn off regardless of your beliefs.

    게시물 작성 언어:


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