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클랜 모집

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9/3/2018 4:24:45 AM

Good Times Only

[PC] Good Times Only 2 | Casual clan looking for players of anytype | 100+ member community | Looking to help new and old players alike | Welcome to the Good Times Only Destiny Clan! We aim to create a clan that welcomes veterans and new players into the Destiny Community. This clan is open to ALL Destiny Players (Casual AND Hardcore) who wish to find a community to play with, whether to raid, do the nightfall, or just melt kids in crucible. All Players are welcome even if you don't have the newer expansions once they are released! To Join the clan upvote this post and join the clan via the link below! Join our discord here: Join the Clan here: 1. (If this is full, join the link below) 2.

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