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작성자: Spawn 9/9/2018 12:25:48 PM

UPvote if you enjoy the grind and would love to keep it this way.

im really enjoying the current grind and would love to keep it this way infusing costs make you re-think alot on how you use your materials would also love to see xur turned into a limited time vendor with bounties that increase drop rate of exotics engrams and doesnt sell exotics, period. you want something WORK FOR IT. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to #Feedback forum so that other Destiny players can weigh in.  [url=] See Cozmo's thread here[/url] for more information about the #Feedback tag and its uses. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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  • -blam!- off shill, go back to reddit if you want to beg for likes

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    1 답변
    • No. I enjoy the grind....but people need to understand that there are GOOD grinds....and BAD grinds. There are two kinds of progression in a game like this: Vertical...and Horizontal. Vertical progression is how you progress in power. Increasing level, unlocking your character abilities, basically dealing with your basic power to deal out, and withstand damage. Horizontal progession is about customization and min-maxing. About personalizing your character's loadout and abilities to your personal play style....and squeezing those last few percentage points of efficiency out of the character. Vertical progression needs to be STRICTLY tied to player effort and investment. If you play long enough, you eventually get to max level, and unlock all your abilities. Its an INVESTMENT grind. Horizontal progression is where players will begin to tolerate...and even enjoy an RNG grind. What Bungie is doing is BLURRING these two in ways that are not helpful, and that the community will into accept. 1. I am EXCITED that random rolls on weapons and perks on armor have returned. Along with the deep perk pools...this will make the end-game horizontal progression much deeper and more enjoyable. 2. But Bungie continues to make some key errors. At the behest in some case of gamers who dont' understand or accept how these two should be separated. a. Locking access to our secod subclass attunement and Super behind an RNG grind (The Blind Well). Band move. b. Treating what is really a part of the game's vertical progression (exotics) as if they were loot: First the catalysts in Warmind....and the changes with Xur now. So, no. Unless Bungie goes to an Investment grind (quest) for the acquisition of exotics....then Xur needs to sell exotics. Because they are the game's only protection against players who have invested hundreds or thousands of hours in the game....and being denied access to a key player POWER through simply bad luck. Changes that need to be made. 1. Remove Masterwork cores from basic infusion. The resource is simply too rare...and it will throw cold water on the game's progression. People will just infuse the game's pinnacle weapons....and we'll all be back to running the same loadouts again. 2. Go back to the smart loot system of D1. Bungie is trying to use access to drops that will progress your character as a "carrot" to try to incentivize people to play the entire game....rather than letting people play the parts of the game they enjoy. The result is a progression system and is growing increasingly byzantine and difficult to understand. Even for veteran players.

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      10 답변
      • When Forsaken has been out for more than a week or two - then you can talk about the grind. Y'all been playing this for a few days and mad that you're not 900 LL yet.

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        2 답변
        • 작성자: The Herd with ColinCowherd 9/9/2018 2:30:34 AM
          Ah yes, the obligatory holier than thou “stop asking for handouts” response to people voicing concerns about a grind that they think is too stingy. I really can’t help but roll my eyes whenever I come across these types of posts because destiny is a fûcking game, not real life. Not everyone has the time to no life the game lol. I really wish people would stop thinking in extremes also. Slight increases =/= wanting everything free.

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          14 답변
          • So you want to see a game turned into a chore because you can invest more time into completing said chore which, in turn, gives you something to use as a reason to FINALLY feel like you're better at something than everyone else. Good. Got it. Downvoted. Moving on.

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            7 답변
            • Xur is useless and idk why he's in the game at this point. And no.. Masterwork cores are used for a c t u a l l y m a s t e r w o r k i n g g e a r and also infusing??? and they're relatively rare??? 🤔🤔🤔 wack, artificial grind and content just to extend the longevity of this dlc??? 🤔🤔

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              3 답변
              • No. I have roughly 130 masterwork cores. I'd love to use them for making guns into masterworks, not maintaining my good rolls and exotics at my light. Now consider the new jacks who just came in with Forsaken or from vanilla or didn't stock up like us, you think they have the shards to drop on spider and infuse and masterwork their guns?

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                2 답변
                • Infusion is way to high for new players. I have a pile of shards to trade to spider so Im good. But if I didn’t... very unreasonable. I have no exotic drops yet but I’m ok with that. Exotics should be rare and more end game based.. but if they are that rare we better not have a rare catalyst we need to drop as well.

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                  6 답변
                  • I don't mind the grind when the rewards are worth it. Until the Forsaken launched, they just weren't. No, keep Xur selling exotics. I'm not supporting the hard core players who constantly want an advantage over every one else.

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                  • just wanna thank everyone that had some common sense .. those of you entitled kids that want to infuse everything and masterwork everything , hope you learn the difference between needing something and wanting something. good luck out there guardians.

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                    14 답변
                    • 작성자: SYN 9/11/2018 12:25:50 PM
                      I see a lot of people complaining about "not having enough time" or being unable to manage time to play the game. Coming from personal experience, I only get 3 hours a day if that to play the game, after working and doing everything I need before bed. I personally enjoy the grind and I've missed it, gives me something to do when I get home. Personally coming from a Runescape and WoW background, the destiny grind is nowhere near as bad. I'd advise people who struggle, become more efficient in how you spend your time on the game when you play, if you have a weekly bounty that is needing doing or you have an exotic quest that needs finishing, just spend your time working on that and don't get distracted.

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                      5 답변
                      • Meh, I think that I will just wait and infuse/masterwork after season 5 has launched. Should have some stuff by then.

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                      • I like the grind, but as much as I've played I haven't even received a duplicate exotic yet. I've got nothing, and the "weekly" reset that's supposed to happen every 4 days now is bugged, then there's the duplicate protection that's supposed to exist, my friends have gotten about 5 exotics each, all duplicates...

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                      • 작성자: Cry 9/9/2018 8:47:46 PM
                        There's a difference between grinding and just banging your head against a wall hoping for something to actually drop. I played I don't know how many hours of Gambit yesterday, and I got 2 legendary drops, both instant dismantles. With the amount of RNG around getting a useful roll, the rate at which we get drops needs to increase.

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                        3 답변
                        • No, the game is a boring chore now.

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                        • 작성자: Takin Ajit Guys 9/10/2018 4:53:36 PM
                          [quote] WORK FOR IT. [/quote] ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I'm not at work right now. I'm playing a video game. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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                          21 답변
                          • The game feels like a job now, not a game. I hate it. The Warmind grind was pretty good. Go back to it. This grind sucks unless you are able to play eight hours a day. Sucks for those Guardians that have jobs. Bungie need to stop forcing us to play their way and just let us play. They are super controlling.

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                          • Grinding for your other subclasses can gtfo the other stuff im fine with bungie really needs to change that bullshit

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                          • This new grind actually deters me from wanting to play it often. I paid for the game so I should be able to obtain the content within a reasonable time. If I wanted a grind like this I would play Warframe more.

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                            1 답변
                            • Better than before, but still room for improvement

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                              1 답변
                              • Seems you have a lot of time in your hand . Get a life ! I hate grinding for masterwork core.

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                              • Sorry I disagree increasing your level to be able to be able to play certain content (that you payed for) should not be locked behind an RNG grind, grinding should be exclusively for getting better/more desirable rolls on equipment and exotics and as for infusion costs, all it does is reduce your options of how to play the game, it doesn't actually increase the time or effort to increase your light level since that is tied to weekly activities (something you cannot grind) and as for your suggestion for Xur yer lets remove the only method of using the mats you spent time and effort to collect (you know the shit you actually worked for) to earn exotics and replace it with a system that simply increases your chances of winning the lottery because thats totally what "work for it" means.

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                                1 답변
                                • hey dumb ass how about the developers actually learn the concept of what a Grind is instead of the masterwork core issue . oh wait you can not grind for something that there is no way to grind for

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                                • A little too extreme. Bungie did a 180 on casuals.

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                                  13 답변
                                  • I don't think I should be Required to PVP for my PVE storyline rewards from my PVE npc.

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                                  • 작성자: Octopus 9/9/2018 3:50:11 PM
                                    Work for it? I'm working at my job in real life. When i turn on my console i do for gaming! There's games like MHW, Defiance or other games, where yes, you need to grind and invest time! But these games have a TON of loot and always pretty much clear what to do for! Not games where ppl grind 3 weeks for just ONE pathetic masterwork catalyst, like the faction one. Or days for just a few mw-cores to infuse items. Have Bungle put more loot into the game, rather than on EV, than ppl will likely grind, as they then spend much time into it for more, than just one item! With Forsaken they moved the game in a somehow good direction, but mw-cores for infusion is still just bullcrap!

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