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작성자: Spawn 9/9/2018 12:25:48 PM

UPvote if you enjoy the grind and would love to keep it this way.

im really enjoying the current grind and would love to keep it this way infusing costs make you re-think alot on how you use your materials would also love to see xur turned into a limited time vendor with bounties that increase drop rate of exotics engrams and doesnt sell exotics, period. you want something WORK FOR IT. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to #Feedback forum so that other Destiny players can weigh in.  [url=] See Cozmo's thread here[/url] for more information about the #Feedback tag and its uses. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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