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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
1/4/2019 8:28:49 PM

Worlds First 2 Man Insurrection Prime on Console #MOTW

MOTW link: Perffection (me): lLuna lEclipse: This challenge is absolute madness from start to finish. You're always on your toes. It's an extremely fun and tough fight. Overall it took us about 40 hours to complete. Very glad to have gotten it done, and to share it with you guys The main difference between this fight on console and on PC, is that the physics in Destiny are tied to framerate. So PC players with a higher frame rate can move MUCH faster skating with the orbs, allowing them to get to DPS phase much smoother. We found that we had to ALWAYS get staggers when they were available to have enough time to make it to DPS. Here is a basic summary of the two man: One person stays in map room and takes out dregs and the front three shields, while the other person herads to the building in the back right corner to take out the back 3 shields. One all are bnroken, the player in amp room uses the joining allies glitch in a specific spot to wipe the ionized debuff off them, allowing them to pick up another orb (we found that we did not have enough time if the map player joined allies before breaking shields). While the map player is joining allies, the other player is working to get a stun. Once the position of the beserker is called out, both players head to that position to take it out, and skate back to the map room as quickly as possible to see where to take each orb, then they go dunk each orb in their respective positions. After the first dunk, one player heads to map, while the other heads to the back of the map. They work to get a stun before both go to the joining allies spots at the back and front of the arena. After joining allies, someone MUST get at least one stun in order to have enough time, and then they call out the next beserker and continue the fight.2 Our prefered DPS spot was the green room to the left of map room when the boss was facing that way, since we could hit all of our shots from there most of the time, even through stagger from the ads. We also ended up having damage spots in each of the 4 buildings in the arena, and map room, and chose whichever the boss was closest to or directly facing. After DPS phase is done, one player tries to pull the boss towards map room if necessary, while the other goes to the back of the map. Then they work on breaking the shields and restart the fight. Cheers!

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