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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
1/20/2019 10:26:23 PM

Buff ideas for exotic armor.

Hunter: [spoiler] Wormhusk Crown - reduce healing received for dodging when no enemies are nearby (on radar). When enemies are surrounding you, grant additional healing per target. 1 target = current wormhusk healing. 2 targets = full health. 3 targets = continuous health regen for 8 seconds. 4 or more = grant an overshield and continuous health regen. Does not affect arcstrider. Ophidia Spathe - increase additional effects of throwing knives. Knife Trick: increased burn damage and duration. Explosive Knife: enhanced explosion radius and damage, multi kills restore 1 melee charge. Knife-Juggler: body shot throwing knife kills restore 1 charge on ophidia spathe (headshots restore to full), the next knife you throw after a kill deals bonus damage (25% to body and 50% to head). The buff lasts 5 seconds but cannot be reapplied until after 5 seconds are up and it has a 2 second internal cooldown (to prevent infinite empowered knife juggling). Foe Tracer - marked targets take additional damage depending on how low their health is, but, targets must first be damaged to grant the tracker. Full: no additional damage. 75%: 5% damage boost 50%: 10% damage boost 25%: 20% damage boost Targets killed while being tracked restore ammunition. Primary: 50% restoration. Special: 25% from reserves Heavy: 25% from reserves. (For rockets to get ammo back, targets must be shot by a primary or special first, but will fully grant 1 ammo from reserves). A short cool down on the ammo restore of 4 seconds.[/spoiler] Warlock: [spoiler] Wings of Sacred Dawn - killing targets with weapons or melee while airborne grants additional super energy. Kills remove icarus dash cool down and remove in air penalties to accuracy for 5 seconds. While in super, grant additional duration for staying in the air (but not reduce the cost of super drain for attacking). Claws of Ahamkara - melee kills restore melee energy (25% per kill). Charged melee kills fully restore the melee. If you recharge your melee through the exotic, your next melee deals bonus damage (25% bonus damage). Verity's Brow - ALL kills grant additional grenade energy to you and nearby allies. If the grenade charge is full, start granting those affected by Verity's Brow a temporary additional grenade charge that deals bonus damage (50% bonus damage). Increase grenade recharge rate for normal grenade (from the current recharge rate), additional secondary grenade restores at a slower rate (the current exotics recharge rate). [/spoiler] Titan: [spoiler] Mask of the Quiet One - increase grenade, melee, and barricade energy received for taking damage. When critically wounded, restore health to full (which isn't shields) AND restore 50% of the titans shields on kill. Increase ALL damage while critical. (15% damage boost). Wormgod Caress - extend the duration granted per melee kill (like before). Reduce damage increase at lower stacks but increase damage at higher stacks. 1 kill: 3 seconds 2 kills: 6 seconds 3 kills: 9 seconds 4 kills: 12 seconds 5 kills: 15 seconds Cap at 15. Increase charged melee recharge rate and grant additional damage to charged melees (15%). Melee hits apply a light burn damage. (3 damage per tick in crucible for 4 ticks). Crest of Alpha Lupi - grants additional revive speed for allies and the user. Masterworked weapons now drop an additional orb of light of equal value (so basically, 2 small orbs). Barricade now has a healing pulse that activates every 2 seconds to restore a small amount of health, but no longer grants a large heal on activation. If the titan revives an ally, grant additional class ability energy. If an ally revives the titan, grant additional class ability energy. [/spoiler] The ideas are in the spoilers. Feel free to let me know what you think.

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