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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
4/9/2019 12:01:31 PM

"Way of the Outlaw" Gunslinger really needs a buff in PvE

Let me start by saying this: In every activity that doesn't require any form of dedication to a specific role (Nightfall, Raid, ST, etc.) i use the Way of the Outlaw because i enjoy that Revolver fanning western style. The problem is, it's pretty bad in PvE as you might know. It's bad against bosses, it's bad for crowd control, it's bad for generating orbs as a support and it's pretty bad in general lol. I do realize that the priority should be to balance sub classes in PvP but give the ol' outlaw some PvE love. It doesn't need much to actually buff the top tree gunslinger, something like D1s Combustion perk (Killing enemies with Golden Gun causes them to explode after about one second) Would make the class actually viable for crowd control at least.

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  • You literally get unlimited shots until the timer runs out as long as you're killing stuff, which is almost all the time. How is this not a good PVE super?

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  • 작성자: MissMayhem 4/10/2019 9:16:06 AM

    새로운 주제 시작: which should bungie do to make way of the outlaw better

  • It is viable for crowd clearing. The original 3 shot gunslinger bullets spilt into 6 shots isnt supposed to be a dealing damage sort of super, if you want to do lots of damage run the exotic, but 6 shot is pretty good right now. Each kill you get gives you more bullets, in any average big group of enemies I've gotten 12 kills with 6 shot, I've seen someone get 16 or 17 in a huge group. Regardless 12 kills or 17 both situations spawned the same amount of orbs, 7. It's not as consistent in spawning orbs or crowd clearing as nightstalker is but that is just because it doesn't come up as often it's still pretty good at both of those things

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  • Are you talking about the 6 shooter? In what way does it need a buff? You can shoot like what 12 shots now? Generate an insane amount of orbs? If you want damage then use the exotic

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    1 답변
    •, you're trash. It's literally the easiest super in the game to use, and it's ridiculously good for mob clearing and orb generation. It's not designed for boss damage.

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      1 답변
      • Be faster. That’s how you can buff it yourself.

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      • Needs an extension of about 2 seconds as a whole imo

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      • It’s pretty nuts as it is. It annihilates large numbers of anything that dosent have a resistant elemental shield or boss hp. It dosent last long but it rewards gun skill and quick thinking by having a high variance in how effective it can be.

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      • Ad clear: Blade Barrage Boss damage: Bottom tree with Celestial Strong ad clear (orange/yellow bars): Top tree, also crucible

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      • I think it should extend the duration of GG by 0.5-1.0 seconds for every kill you get, and maybe give it diminishing returns after a certain number of kills to prevent infinite super. Combustion is also a great idea. It could work with what I described, but make sure combustion kills don’t count towards extending the duration. Only direct GG kills.

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      • I think it just needs a bit of an extension on the duration time. Popping it on a wave of ads in your sight is so satisfying though imo. It doesn't need more damage against bosses cuz that's what bottom tree is for.

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        1 답변
        • No thanks. Marksman is better in 9/10 circumstances. It can be run with a variety of builds. Nighthawk, Spine, Grasps, neutral Exotics. Classic throwing knives deal amazing damage once you get used to their travel pattern. The perk that returns super on precision hits can make this the fastest super you can get. I can consistently get this 3x a match with a few super mods.

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        • It needs a 10% super regain per kill with deminishing returns. And more shots on the same target should add 25% damage every shot.

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        • Every kill extends your super, you can easily clear a crowd as long as your not missing your shots.

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